(8 minutes) SCARLET is an equestrian dance quartet performed by dancers Ingrid Schatz and DeAnna Pellecchia with the Friesian Sanne, ridden and trained by Brandi Rivera. Costumed in vintage wedding gowns dyed a spectacular scarlet, the dancers and horse create relationship written in movement, rhythm, color and touch. In addition to performing Scarlet in festivals, we have donated this performance to help equine sanctuaries both increase public awareness and raise funds for their rescue, rehabilitation and education programs. Scarlet is usually performed with Krump.
from The Star Register

Two of the things I love the most in this world are horses and dance. To combine the two with brilliant choreography and humane training methods in order to create a universal message of understanding of these magnificent creatures is something I am so proud to be involved with and share with others. I know that it was a poignant and moving experience for everyone who was here. It flowed so beautifully and you all did a masterful job of capturing the essence and importance of what equines mean to us. To me, RIDE demonstrates and explores how communication with horses is best attained if done through mutual respect and kindness.
Susan Wagner

Photos by Jeffrey Anderson and Pam White.

Contact Paula or submit an inquiry for information about workshops and performances!