Movement is the other side of touch. They are the shadow of each other.
Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Developing the ability to be more mindful and expressive in our movement deepens connection with our horses and ourselves. Conscious Movement supports ease and balance in the bodies of both horse and human, helping us become more aware of what we are signaling with our bodies and minds. Moving consciously with horses means bringing an improvisational and playful quality to our relationships with horses, regardless of your movement experience. Horses, as vigilant prey animals, read not only our movement behaviors but their underlying emotional tone. Often our movement unconsciously reflects an unsettled or distracted state of mind. As we bring greater mindfulness to how we move and the effect of our movement on our horses, the horse's responses show us when we are anxious and unaware, or comfortable and relaxed. In this way, they can give us valuable insights into habits of body and mind that may be obstacles to our communication and relationships both on the ground and in the saddle.CONSCIOUS TOUCH
Touch is how we connect, explore, and soothe. Touch brings us into an immediate sensual relationship with the world around us. Touching dissolves our separateness; if is the most intimate way that we bridge the space between two beings. How we touch - the quality of intention, receptivity, and listening that we offer - defines our availability to another. Touching is always a shared act. We are always being touched by what we are touching. Often the way we touch our horses is about doing, rather than nurturing a shared experience of just being. Practicing Conscious Touch is a powerful way of bringing greater feeling and harmony to the bodies of both horse and human, and regulation of the shared nervous system. Paula's touch work includes her experience as a deep tissue practitioner, Tellington TTouch, and touch skills related to the trauma-informed practices of Somatic Experiencing ®.PAULA JOSA-JONES
is unique as an equine practitioner integrating expressive somatic movement skills with therapeutic and creative work with horses. A dancer, choreographer and improvisational movement artist, as well as a Master Somatic movement educator and therapist (MSMET), she brings a lifetime of experience as a mover to her work with horses.Find Our Horses, Ourselves: Discovering the Common Body
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Click here to view the CONSCIOUS TOUCH, CONSCIOUS MOVEMENT with HORSES video.

Conscious Touch, Conscious Movement from Paula Josa-Jones/Performance on Vimeo.
Moving Landscapes from Paula Josa-Jones/Performance on Vimeo.
OUR HORSES, OURSELVES @ Time Out Foundation from Paula Josa-Jones/Performance on Vimeo.