Deo, a conclusion

For now, he stays.  I think that the universe read the deeper waters of my heart.  In the Abrahamic world, when you send a mixed message, or a message of desire that is tangled up with ambivalence or fear or doubt, it cannot deliver what you want until you have a clear, one note, resonant want.  I did not have that.

I have one now.  Universe, are you listening?  I want the woman that rode him and loved him to want to half or full lease him and continue to ride him, have fun with him and let him express all his playfulness and brilliance.  And I want some of that too.  I rode him again today and it was FUN.  Grinning the whole time.


 With him
here, now
skin to skin
warmth spilling
one into the other.

a lattice of
drawing in,
drawing out.

the heart is a
cave that holds our
boisterous blood
our twinned pulses
bound in this moment

after all, the only and
most precious.



2 Responses »

  1. Paula, I’ve been waiting and holding my breath for your final decision regarding Deo. I have a situation with a Golden Retriever next door who has a lousy owner and is suffering some subtle abuse….not the same scenario as you and Deo, but similar in that I am trying to decide whether to take this dear dog on as full-time owner.

    No answers were forthcoming, and then I read your post today. The business about the ‘ambivalent message’ was my key. So in helping yourself, you have also helped me tremendously!

    I hope you have found your solution and that it comes to pass just as you picture it. As for me, I have to get back to the drawing board, using the excellent (and to now, hidden)tool you’ve provided. Many thanks.

    • Dear Suzanne,
      I am so glad! I am waiting for the new pieces to align, but I am more clear than I have been about what I want. I remember that Abraham says that if we are sending mixed messages, or a want with a qualifier or a shadow of doubt, the universe cannot deliver!

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