the road ahead

“In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.”                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Patti Smith


My friend Suzanne sent me this quotation.  I love this because it feels like a koan to me.  A puzzle box that time and curiosity will keep opening.  A series of nested matrushkas.  I am especially interested in the ways that abandon, balance and stealth intersect and overlay; in how I am dancing the dance of those three.

This photograph that I took yesterday morning feels a bit like how I am stepping into the new year.  Spacious possibility and all that is unknown.  A blank tablet that carries the cuneiform of the previous year(s).

My charge to myself is to move from feeling, intuition and trust.  To find something new every day.  More than once a day.

What are you charged with?


One Response »

  1. I have ventured here via Jon’s page. I like many am constantly pulled to something down the road and around the corner. I have ceased to question or hesitate, I simply go. Today I awoke to an urge to walk the streets of my birthplace. The result was a treasure of photographs that although simple in form gave me intense satisfaction and joy. I can not explain nor do I need to, as an artist you understand completely. Any favorite blog of Jon’s is on my list of places to explore. May 2012 bring you much success and many winding roads. -jrg

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