Tag Archives: shadow

shadow, light

do you know

that shadows lurk

in the light?

can you feel your way

through the shadows

to the light?

When I was very, very young, I had a children’s book about a farm and a character called Uncle Bunny Bunny.  I don’t remember the title or the story.  But I remember the illustration on one page.  It was looking up into the fall colors of a tree and the artist had captured beautifully, to my child’s imagination, the specific way that the light comes through the layers of leaves, shadowing and lighting each in its own unique way.  Time and again I would go to that page and look at the tree, savoring the light and the shadow.  It felt deeply familiar, physical, delicious.

Today I saw these iris as I was having breakfast and saw the way the shadow and light were coming through the fresh leaves.  It is that way for me today – feeling my way through the shadows into the light.


shadow or dance?

Sometimes the shadows overwhelm the dance. In relationships, that can mean that we have fallen into shadow, and are no longer dancing.  That seems to happens when there is no real listening, or our attention shifts to the dark parts – the unlit terrain of the relationship.

What is the path out of that?  I think it is deciding that the history of the shadows, the background architecture of the story is no longer really important. What is needed is finding a way to flow forward with good intention.  Then the shadows are not a problem, just playful dance partners.


light & shadow

I think that one of the things about becoming older is that the shadows get smaller.  More of me is revealed to myself and others, rust and all.

Riding, yoga and writing practice all help me to bring things forward into the light, illuminating what is hidden in the shadows.  Each time I ride I am seeking more and more sensitivity and refinement in what I feel from the horse and in my own body.  It is the same with my movement practices and with writing.

Taking photographs is teaching me that sometimes practicing is just about waiting for the light.  Or making peace with the shadows.

This week in The Journal I am writing about what happened when I went to have new headshots taken.

Where are you feeling the light today?