Tag Archives: feeling

I feel I can

I gave this paperweight to Pam a couple years ago.  It was actually a note to myself – something I wanted to remind myself of daily.  It has migrated to my desk, which I keep very clear otherwise.

Doing a weekly (at least) ritual clearing of my desk seems to be something that helps me to find focus.  Otherwise stuff accumulates and I lose the thread; the gathering detritus pulls me in before I have a chance to feel the more tender buds of whatever is percolating.  

I listened to an Abraham rampage driving through the hills of the Hudson valley the other day.  A rampage is a river, a pouring, a flood of appreciation.  In this one, each sentence started with “can you feel” and then went on to name a sensory experience.  Like this:

  • Can you feel that view?
  • Can you feel the sun on that mountain?
  • Can you feel that song?
  • Can you feel how delicious that tastes?

And on and on.  I was grinning by the end.  So coming back to Henry Ford’s quote, I want to say instead, “Whether you feel you can or if you feel you can’t, you’re right.”  Putting it that way puts me in a more emotional, less think-y/figuring it out relationship with the can part.  And that allows me to feel more connected to the can than the can’t.

What do you feel?

 ps.  Be sure to write if you would like more information about my new offering:  Breaking into Blossom:  Moving into an Improvisational Life.   Five weeks of jump start strategies for improvisational living.