Tag Archives: Abraham


Jane Sezak is a wonderful astrologer who lives in Kauai.  For twenty years, I have received her readings on my birthday.  She tells me about my progression, transits, and the themes that are up for the coming year.

Every year, she says something about letting yourself be led by how life is leading you. Abraham calls it allowing And every day, that seems to be a lesson that I learn again.

Allowing is the opposite of resisting.  The opposite of trying to control, figure out, work hard enough to make things happen. The opposite of fear.

Today my moment of allowing was small – I had to just accept feeling uninspired and tired.  Tomorrow my daughters come home for the holiday.  More allowing will be required.

How do you experience allowing?


churning of the sea of milk




The churning of the Sea of Milk or the Milky Way is an interesting Hindu creation myth.  It involves a serpent and a mountain.

In the story, the gods held the tail of the snake, while the demons held its head, and they pulled on it alternately causing the mountain to rotate, which in turn churned the ocean. The mountain began to sink and so the god Vishnu in the form of a turtle came to the rescue and supported the mountain on his back.

I got to thinking about this story as I was reading The War of Art by Steven Pressfield.  He says that the demon is resistance – the thing that gets in the way of our fulfilling our goals.

As I read, I kept thinking, “Resistance to the resistance is still resistance.”  This troubled me.  Later in the book, Pressfield speaks of angels, muses, allies.  They are, he tells us, forces counter-poised against the resistance.

“More resistance,” I thought.

So my question is:  Is all this churning (effort, battle, resisting resistance, etc.) necessary to create a sparkling Milky Way?  To create at all?  Is war really how to make art?

Then I thought about riding, and how all the resistance in the world is useless.  How it is by aligning, opening – finding the onward, flowing, shaping, guiding quality in the riding – I become part of that glorious movement.  The “join-up” as Monty Roberts says.

Abraham teaches that resistance is just tethers us to what we don’t want. That when I say “no” to something, I bring it to me – special delivery.  Because no is just the other end of the stick from “yes,” the tails side of the coin.

What are you resisting?  And what is the opposite of resistance?





the ham of god

I took this picture at the Putney School Harvest Festival two weeks ago.  I want to sleep like this.

I fell asleep last night laughing out loud listening to Anne Lamott’s Plan B:  Further thoughts on Faith.  Laughing into sleep is a great way to wake up.  When she talked about receiving a providential gift ham on her birthday at a grocery store, I lost it.  She wondered if it was “the ham of god.”

I am finding more ways to soften before sleep, and to soften into waking.  I find that it makes for a more fluid, creative day.  Abraham calls it “getting into the vortex.”  I have been listening to Abraham for about two years now, driving everywhere.  It is the best way that I have found to release resistance.

Resistance is on my mind as I am reading The War of Art. More about that tomorrow.

Abraham says find something to make you happy.  Last year, Emily Jones, the head of the Putney School encouraged students to look at something beautiful and let it make you happy. I have a long list, that includes horses’s noses, cat’s fur, my  daughters’ and Pam’s faces.

What makes you happy today?