Almost one year ago I began this blog. Today is post #300, which feels like it deserves a HOORAY! I have been hugely encouraged in my blogging by the indefatigable, generous, kind Jon Katz, whose blog and life inspire me daily. I have been encouraged by my beloved Pammie, whose blog and passion inspire and delight. Maria Wulf is another bright light in my personal constellation of writing artists.
I chose the name horsedancing because it is the title of my (still seeking a publisher) book. But over the months of writing these posts daily, have come to see horsedancing as a life practice and a metaphor for being an improviser and an artist of dancing the moment, with or without a horse.
This is how I say it on the home page of my new website: At the core of my work is a passion for movement that springs from an unpredictable and limitless aliveness in the body. To me, being in the body means experiencing it in a bloodful, breathing way that is transformative and improvisational. I love diving into the deep waters of the body and all its wild possibility. My writing, dancemaking, teaching, coaching and the horses are all part of the whole cloth of my practice as a movement artist. My goals are to help people connect to their creativity, to improvisation as a life practice, and to their own delicious experience of embodiment.
I spoke to a writing teacher today who said that she thinks of herself as a “word coach.” I think that I am, above all, a “movement coach” or maybe a “body mentor,” helping others push deeper into a felt sense of themselves as creative, physically expressive beings. The blog is a part of that passion. Check out some of the other possibilities on my site!