Category Archives: the performer

all in

Photo:  Howard Schatz

As I approach this performance in at the Outside the Box Festival in Boston on Thursday I can feel the little parts of myself that are not quite all in.  The parts that is worried about the heat (I am performing outdoors); the part that is protecting my knee, the part that is still learning/exploring the dance.

At the same time, I can feel how many parts of myself are all in, how I have the feeling not of dancing so much as being danced.  It is the first solo I have performed in twelve years.  I am ready to go, ready to plunge in. And I am eager to do more of this, and here is why:  I can feel how authentic, how full to the brim, how generous this dancing has become.  It is not about showing, but sharing, not about being seen but seeing.

Come and see!


new calendar!

I have added this page to our website, to let you know about our upcoming workshops, tele-classes and performances.  Make a special note of the performance of SPEAK in Boston on July 18.  I will be premiering the full length version of that dance.  It is my first new solo in a long time, and I am excited to share it.  Come and see!