Category Archives: horses, dogs & more

more notes for the housesitter

Cho ready to go. . .

Dear Housesitter:

I know that I sent you a revised version of the notes prior to your visit, but several items will need to be further amended.  Thank you for your patience, and have a nice stay.  Remember to put the garbage out on Thursday morning.

  1. Be sure to remove Cho’s (the Spanish Greyhound who sleeps in the bedroom) collar before going to bed so that the rattle does not awake you during the night.
  2. Sometime between 5-6 am, Cho  will stand up and bark.  If you just say “No” in a firm voice, usually he will lay down for another 30 minutes.
  3. However, Eli (black and white cat) will hear him and begin to scratch at the door.  We recommend keeping ear plugs near the bed.
  4. If Cho does not go back to sleep and insists on being let out, be sure to put on the collar that you removed at night, because even though he is 18, he will leap over the fence and have a nice runabout.
  5. Before you let Cho out, be sure to scoop the litter pans in the master bath because Eli will come in and poop in the space between the bedroom and the bathroom if the pans are not clean.
  6. Actually, sometimes he will poop there even if the pans are clean.  We think that it may be that he prefers to have the cover off the big pan by the shower for pooping, but does not mind it for peeing.
  7. If removing the cover and scooping doesn’t work and he is still pooping there, try putting down a bath mat, as he only likes to poop on a slick wood floor.
  8. Cho, after his runabout will bark at the side or back doors.  If he is carrying an old deer bone, don’t let him bring that into the house.
  9. Someone (Obadiah?)  is peeing in the house.  Not sure why or who.   In the meantime, watch where you step.

Well, I think that is it for now.  Have a great time, and thank you!



more notes for the housesitter

More notes for the house sitter:

Eli will poop outside the litter pan at 6:45 every night.  If you see him scratching the floor , put him in the litter.

Precious can open every door in the house.  Lock all the doors at night.

Precious will remind you to fill every food dish in the morning by standing and meowing until you fill.

Litter pans;  two in the master bath, two in the girls bath, one in the laundry room and one in the attic.

The litter pan in the attic has to have the smelly clay litter because Eli will only use clay.

Do not let Liam outside with Jules because he will bite his neck, even though Liam is a Jack Russel and Jules is a 90 lb greyhound.

Nikita can’t go out until he has his thyroid medicine.

Don’t leave Paula’s study open because Cho and Eli will pee in there.

Be sure to keep Obi, Tallullah and Maggie away from Ivy who they try to kill.

Eli only bites when he is over excited.

If the cats get into the dining room, be sure to hide the littlest Matrushka dolls, or the cats will eat them.

We left five bags of litter, two 40 pound dog food bags, wet cat food and 30 pounds of cat food in the laundry room closet.

Be sure to pick the poops in the dog pen on Wednesday before the garbage is picked up.

Cats:  Obi – tiger, Maggie – double toed black,  Talullah – double toed black, Precious – mostly white calico, Nikita – tiger with white & dot on nose, Eli – black and white, Bella – peach colored calico, Ivy – dark calico.

Dogs;  Jules – big tiger brindle greyhound, Guinnie – dark chocolate greyhound, Cho – fawn Galgo Espanol & Liam – Jack russell


pas de trois

Every now and again, I like to share something from my body of work.  I like calling it that because the work is all grounded in the body:  ours, the horse’s and hopefully yours.  I hope that the videos give you at least a tingle of kinesthetic empathy and shiver that they give me, even after seeing them again and again.