Category Archives: moving, breathing, feeling

something old, somehow new

Raving in Wind (1996)

I came across this and wanted to share it.  The music is acommissioned score by the brilliant Ingram Marshall, and the video by the extraordinary Ellen Sebring.  I developed this 23 years ago during a residency at Yaddo, inspired by traveling to the Galapagos and seeing the waved albatrosses, and by the extraordinary avian drawings of Leonard Baskin. The title is from a poem by Ann Lauterbach.





on the road again

TYIIE2090Film still from The Traveler, photo by Pam White.

On Saturday we are off to Bulgaria, where I wil be teaching Authentic Movement and writing, then exploring River/Body practices, and finally a five-day workshop in ConsciousTouch, Conscious Movement with Horses.

I am often ambivalent about traveling these days.  More senstive to the bodily discomforts, the weirdness of time changes, the uprooting from routine and all that is familiar and beloved.

Under that is my curiosity and delight in engagement with new people, horses, places.  I love what I learn, who I meet, and what opens unexpectedly. New smells, colors, sounds, connections.

As best I can, I will post photos and impressions on my Instagram page along the way.

Stay tuned!