Today is another opportunity to step up. My daughter’s boyfriend and the father of her coming baby arrives today for a short visit. In the catalog of raising kids, there are endless opportunities to step up, to learn a new dance. Today is a big one.
Both of our daughters are adopted. Based on observing my sister’s fancy dancing over the years of raising her kids, I don’t think that biological kids and adopted kids are different in the step up requirements. We have both had a lot of practice in learning the choreography of the day.
I have set an intention today for positive understanding and opening. I want to start with an open heart. Let it be said that I have moved an entire Himalayan range within myself to get to this place. I am proud of that. However, it must also be said that I am not the only one that is going to need to step up.
Here is what Abraham had to say about children a couple days ago:
Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward than you did. They deliberately are coming forth into this environment where there is more to contemplate. This generation gap that you are talking about, it has ever been thus. Each new generation, every new individual, that comes forth, is coming with you having prepared a different platform for them to proceed from. There is this thing that gets in the way of that that says, “I’m the parent. I got here first. I know more than you do.” From the children’s perspective, and from the purity of their Nonphysical Perspective, what they are saying is, “You’re the parent. You got here first. You prepared a platform that I am leaping off from — and my leap will be beyond anything that you have ever known.”
— Abraham