what dims the light

“Also pay attention to the little things that get in your way but that you put up with.  The fact that we tolerate them is even more subtly insidious than the irritants themselves.  These are the annoyances we’ve resigned ourselves to, saying ‘I guess I can handle that’ or ‘I can’t be bothered to change that right now.’  And then often we just stop noticing them and how they dim the light.”  Michael Bungay Stanier, Do More Great Work

I have become aware of the stuff around me that stands in the way of finding focus and showing up.  It is not just possessions, or feeding the dogs, but the psychic detritus that gathers around me and impedes up my ability to do the work.

This week I am going to look for ways to brighten the light. A good thing to do, it seems, as we enter the darkness of winter.


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