The publication date for my book, Our Horses, Ourselves: Discovering the Common Body, is approaching (mid-September). The final scramble of editing is finished, and within a few weeks, it will be in the hands of the printer.
This project has been an amazing, daunting, joyful, frustrating journey of over 10 years. Actually though, this book pulls from the last forty years of living in a moving human body, and the past twenty years of dropping deep, then deeper still into the world of horses. The horses hold the two ends of my life – the raw childhood horse love and the ripened adult passion.
Are you emptied out when you finish a book like this? Not really. Like making dances, there is always that thing that wakes you up in the middle of the night – a movement that must be danced or another way of saying something about touching horses, learning to be a mindful being in the blessing of their presence.
This next stage -getting the word out, scheduling of readings, workshops – feels overwhelming. I have done this as the artistic director of a dance company for many, many years. For whatever reason, I do not feel that has prepared me. Maybe it has to do with the ephemeral nature of dance and dancing. A book is something that can be held, it is an object. Scary, that, and exciting too.
You can (please) order my book HERE.