animal house rules

If Ivy is in the studio, be sure to lock the bathroom  because Precious will open the door and go downstairs to dig in the plants.

Obi and Precious can stay in the closet all day when the realtors are here.

At night, Ivy goes in the bathroom because otherwise she will pee on us during the night.

Cho can stay in the bedroom with us overnight, but if he wakes up in the night, he needs to go out otherwise he will pee.

Eli pees and poops on the smooth wood floors.

Eli will only use the clay litter.

Liam will eat the cat food whenever possible, so be sure to lock the bathroom door at night.

Tallulah tries to kill Eli and Ivy, so keep them apart all the time.

Nikita is the only cat that can go out.

Well, actually Eli can go out too, but generally comes in right away.

Guinnie and Jules are perfect.

Guinnie and Jules have to leave the kitchen after they eat because otherwise they will eat Cho’s food.

Ditto for Liam.

Maggie needs to be out of our bedroom at night because she is a talker and a kneader.

If Mamacita is outside in the morning, don’t let Cho out because he goes over the fence to chase her.

If there is snow, Cho doesn’t go over the fence, so disregard the above.

Guests have to leave their shoes in the closet or Liam will pee into them.

Bella will try to get into the living and dining room because she loves to dig in the plants and play with the Matrushka dolls.

Remind everyone not to leave any door open that is closed.

When the realtor comes, Maggia and Talullah go in carriers, Obi and Precious in Paula’s closet, Eli and Nikita in Pam’s studio, and Bella and Ivy in Paula’s studio (be sure to put up the signs to keep the dors closed.  All four dogs go in the cars with us and we leave.

Remember to scoop the litters and rinse the bathtubs before leaving the house.

Remember to burn incense in the dog room and wash the stinky dog beds.

Remember to leave the camera out so we can get a video of the next time Liam (dog) is humping Talullah (cat).

We think that video will go viral and maybe drive more traffic to our blogs.





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