I haven’t seen Nelson for over a month. Today, I got to spend some delicious time with him. When I got out of the car and called to him, his ears went up and he stood at the fence, waiting. It felt like no time had passed – that we had seen each other just yesterday. We mostly hung out in his stall, away from the flies and out of the sun.
I got to thinking about time, and wondering about how Nelson experiences time. I thought about Jon Katz’s book Rose in a Storm, and how he describes Rose as seeing her world in maps. I wonder if time is also a map and if for Nelson, when I am not there, I am just not in his time map. Is there is a piece missing, or if when i do appear, then maybe the map – both space and time – has an overlay of me for an hour or so.
I have written a lot about horse time, but usually what I mean that they are not clock watching, or ticking off the minutes until the next thing happens. It is more seamless, I suspect, more like an inner canopy of sky-spaciousness. I wonder about experiencing time-space as vast and unmeasured.
I have had glimpses of that in meditation, but I imagine that the animal experience is even more unfettered than that.
What do you think (feel)?